Services – $85/Session
This full bodywork session may include any and all Masterson Method techniques (there are approximately 100).
Overall, the goal of equine bodywork is to promote circulation, relieve tension/restriction, improve muscle tone, relax muscle spasms, and restore and expand range of motion. Years of stress and stiffness can often be resolved in a few sessions by relieving built-up tension in core muscles and critical junctions of the body that affect the horse’s performance. A typical session lasts approximately an hour and a half to two hours. Depending on your horse’s needs, the session may include some or all of the modalities above. I would happily discuss the possibilities and benefits for you and your horse.
Equine Bodywork is a non-invasive therapy aimed at producing wellness and enhancing performance in the healthy horse. Bodywork is not a replacement for veterinarian intervention and treatment.Always consult your veterinarian before choosing any therapy.
Does your horse display any of the following issues?
- – Bucking
- – Refusing to pick up the correct lead
- – Mystery lameness
- – Head Tossing
- – Difficulty with lateral movements
- – Girthing problems
- – Attitude changes
- – Head or neck stiffness
- – Shortened strides
- – Hind leg scuffing
- – Hip and shoulder lameness
- – Improper tracking
- – Cold back
- – Loss of performance ability
- – Refusing a fence
- – Lack of impulsion
- – Rushing
- – Irritable, cranky, depressed, shut down

If so, contact us today for an evaluation and session!
Mileage/Trip Fee
20-mile radius of Cochranville, Pennsylvania, round trip: FREE
Outside the 20-mile radius: $0.65/mile (both directions). The first 40 miles are free!
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